Locate us

9006 Tampines St 93, Tampines Industrial Park A, #03-204, Singapore 528840


Opening Hours

Mon-Fri 8-5pm
Sat 8-12pm

Contact us

6781 9138

Signage Enquiry: What Information to Include?

To ensure that you receive the most competitive quote! Here’s five areas to include when you enquire on your next signage project:

1. Brief Summary of Signage use

A brief summary of what is the Signage used for.

2. Specifications

Most importantly is the Size. Even an estimated size will help. If you are seeking a recommendation, Sturdy Sign can provide one if you inform us on the installation area size of (e.g. your wall, door entrance width). Other specifications (optional) can include material request or overall sign thickness.

3. Installation Site

Describe the installation area of the sign. Here’s a simple checklist:

  • Is it a concrete wall or a partition wall?
  • Is the wall painted or laminated with wood / wallpaper finish?
  • Any existing sign to remove?
  • How high will the installation be? (e.g. less than 3 metres or more?)
  • For lighted signages – Is there space to hide the wiring? Do you have electrician working on the project too?

4. Attach: Signage Graphics

Any graphic files. Such as your brand logo, artwork, 3D renders. Even low resolution can help with quoting. This allow us to check the size proportion, colours required and foresee any production limitations.

5. Attach: Picture reference of Similar Design

Attach any signage design that you want your current sign to look similar to. Picture reference can be drawings from your interior designer, search engine images or photos of signage you spotted in your neighbourhood. For a start, feel free to visit our sign gallery or our sign designs page.